The first pressing priority for high school seniors is managing their college application process.

The Revolution Prep Difference

This involves a number of priorities, and parents and students 在匆忙的组装和组装过程中很容易忘记事情 submit applications. Students should track this work in one central place, 注意每个学院的截止日期和所需的组成部分 choosing to apply to. This includes required and recommended admissions tests; besides the SAT®/ACT®, there are still a handful of selective colleges that require particular SAT® Subject Tests for admissions. Sorting out the required admissions essays is also a critical consideration. Students may 发现原来看起来是5篇不同的文章实际上可以是 only 2 different core concepts that they need to develop. Getting the 在写这些文章时,适当的帮助是最好的一步的关键 主动向大学招生人员讲述他们的故事.


Students need to stay motivated and learn to embrace change during senior year.

“Senioritis” is real, and must be counteracted.

To effectively fight off this decline in interest and motivation, 学生可以把他们在课堂上做的工作和他们的个人生活联系起来 兴趣,维护每日或每周的必要任务清单,以及 try to get adequate sleep on a nightly basis.

Retake tests for point improvements.

A 50-100 point improvement on the SAT® can meaningfully impact students’ odds of gaining admission. Students’ brains are still actively developing the skills these exams assess.

Think like a college student.

The concepts and skills developed during AP®; and IB coursework directly 引导进入大学水平的材料,和学生真正的意愿 参与这项工作并达到最佳状态将为他们的成功奠定基础 at the college level.

Grades still matter, even after applications are submitted!

While colleges initially only see a combination of 9th-11th 年级成绩,加上对高三成绩的年中检查,这是一个事实,几乎每个 college will require students to submit a final grade report.

当学生表现出下降时,大学取消录取并不是闻所未闻的 grades during their senior year. Beyond the admissions impact of grades, they also serve as 学习成绩持续动力的指标,反映持续发展 as a learner.


对一些学生来说,直接过渡到四年制学院或大学适合他们的学业 academic profile best. Other students with less competitive grades and test scores 可能会受益于上两年的专科学校,然后转到 四年制大学完成本科学习,尽管他们应该这样做 鼓励培养正确的学习习惯和动力. 另一个越来越受欢迎的选择是“间隔年” can travel, volunteer, or complete an internship. If this is a path that interests 学生们,他们应该考虑一下为什么要休学一年——最好是 原因是为了回答bat365他们自己和他们生活方向的问题.

Opportunities for Growth

A Students

毕业倦怠是真实存在的,所以对于成绩优异的12年级学生来说,有必要 continue the habits that have allowed for success to this point. This is important as 现在良好的学习习惯受到侵蚀,一旦学生犯了错误,就会继续显现出来 the transition to college. Now is not the time to reduce academic effort.

Continue to develop a growth mindset. One way to keep high achieving students 在这段时间里,激励是为了巩固一种心态,让他们获得快乐 以尽可能高的平均绩点完成学业或达到a的挑战 greatly as possible in their extracurricular activities. This mindset development will serve them well in college and in their later careers.

Exploring talents and interests is essential. As students will soon be entering college 并且有机会决定职业道路,尽可能多地探索各种选择 is essential. 学生在大四之前和大四期间也应该进行研究和访问 了解大学提供的课程如何符合他们的兴趣.

B Students

不断发展基本技能和内容知识,这将转化为大学. 而在高中时获得B级的学生可能不会以最高的成绩完成学业 就平均成绩而言,他们仍然在展示自己的知识 这些课程技能将帮助他们在进入大学后取得成功. 因此,重要的是不要在这段时间内减少学业上的努力,因为任何补救措施 学生进入大学后必须做的事情将使过渡更加困难.

培养学习习惯和时间管理技能,这将转化为大学. Once a 学生进入大学,他们有机会在领域从零开始 academics, and particularly in Grade Point Average. Thus, increasing the quality of study 现在的时间将允许学生们开始跑步,这是必须考虑的 一旦他们入学,他们的时间里可能有多少事情要做.

Continue to explore passions. For students, one of the most exciting aspects of college 出勤率是指提供给他们的机会的数量. Students can use 在高中的时候考虑他们想要探索的途径 following year.

C or Below Students

Spend time developing fundamental academic skills. Student that have received lower grades 到目前为止,他们在高中并不局限于“C”或“D”的身份 Student.“很多时候,这些学生没有接触过量身定制的、 个性化的关注,可以建立信心和课程知识. Students 那些可能不是他们“梦想学校”的大学的毕业生仍然有机会 在大学一开始就取得好成绩,然后转学到另一所大学 choosing.

花时间培养学习习惯,这会让你在大学及以后受益匪浅. 对于那些在高中学习上挣扎的学生来说,大学提供了一个机会 就他们的学业成绩而言,这是一个重新开始的独特机会. It is thus 有必要利用这最后一年的高中探索方法来增加 学习时间的质量,特别是考虑到高中毕业的事实 will bring more, not less, potential distractions for students.

利用这段时间去发现学生毕业后可以继续探索的激情. 学生们没有在学业上投入到这一点的原因之一 研究是他们没有发现自己的兴趣和激情,或者他们没有 把他们的兴趣和他们在课堂上所做的工作联系起来. It is thus essential 在这些学生离开高中之前,他们面临着尽可能多的选择 possible to provide a post-high school pathway to success.

Not Sure Where to Begin?